
Academic Projects

May 2019

Predicting the Impact of Field Topography on Yield of Canola: A Comparison of Linear Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches

CNN · Regression · Clustering · Python · Interdepartmental Collaboration

  • Developed CNN model to justify our intuition that the model will overfit as we only had six replications of each genetic variation in a year
  • Used machine learning approaches such as Ridge Regression, K-means clustering, and the resulting model outperformed conventional statistical model by 35%
  • Worked with graduate students from Plant Sciences which motivated knowledge sharing and communication between departments

January 2019

Friendship Networks from Mobile Sensor data

Data Mining · Social Network Analysis · GPS · Python

  • Analyzed mobile sensed data to discover the existence of friendship networks by creating GPS co-location data
  • Used data analysis and visualization techniques on graphs and mobile sensed data

January 2019

(Real-Time) Automatic Localization and Labeling of Field Plots on Drone Imagery

Deep Learning · GAN · 3D Simulation · Python · Unity · Flask

  • Trained an adapted Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) model that can generate an image mask where each pixel value indicates whether the pixel is a part of the background or a plot given the position of the drone
  • Made 3D simulation modeling of drone flights using Unity to generate a synthetic dataset. The model was also used to visualize the real-time prediction
  • Deployed our model (built with Keras) using Flask and the real-time predictions were presented to a web page

September 2018

Plot Segmentation for Canola Breeding Trials

Image Processing · Deep Learning · U-Net · Python · Keras

  • Built automatic plot segmentation process to be used in a pipeline of P2IRC research that works on aerial images of canola fields
  • Conducted comparative analysis of traditional image processing techniques and deep neural networks
  • Developed CNN model using Python and Keras based on U-Net architecture to leverage its ability to perform well with a small dataset

October 2015


Arduino · Sensors · Android · Interfacing Project

Light following and obstacle avoiding robot using autonomous and android based manual controller.

October 2015


3D · OpenGL · Graphics Project

A 3D model of a bank that can be explored with movement control.

August 2015

Jumping Warrior

2D · OpenGL 3.0 · Graphics Project

A 2D game where player needs to prevent enemies to reach planet earth. Player can jump between platforms and shoot enemies. A survival mode and a trial mode is available to play.

May 2015


Web Application

A community where reviews, ratings, details are available on books of different genres and their authors. Members can also create their own book list and share. They can also create groups to share their thoughts and discussions on books and more.

January 2015


Android Application

An android app to help people finding missing persons and assist with nearby important location in emergency

October 2014


Java Application

Inventory management system of a super shop where products can be sold using product ID, cash memo can be generated, inventory can be managed by the admin and inventory state can be visualized with the help of bar chart.

October 2014


Web Application

A website for the super shop showing the available products information of the shop for the customers where customers can also add their wishlist.

May 2014


Android Application

An informative application on the Bangladesh Liberation War. Also a quiz system on liberation war.

May 2014

Higher Studies Information System

Java Application

Information on different universities (including their rankings, available subjects for M.Sc. and PhD, requirements etc.), available universities based on the profile of the candidate and more.

May 2014

Life Magazine

Java Application

User can take notes, set reminder, edit image and create album with description (using different image filters and image tools like rotation etc. Image frames are available too)

Other Projects

July 2015 - Present

QI Analysis

Web Application

The Only Relationship-Centric CRM application. Deploy data ready CRM to teams in minutes.

August 2017 - Present


Web Application

An interactive website to get tasks and projects done in an easy and a fast process. It provides different development, career and entrepreneurship opportunities that students can be benefited from. App features job post, job bid, powerful job searching tool, robust chat system for communication between service providers and seekers/companies or among team members, real time notification system, social feed and sharing, relationship like friends, follow and more.

May 2014

Mongol Barota ( Building a next generation Mars Rover )

Stand-alone Mobile Platform Rover · URC

Mongol Barota is a project that builds a next generation mars rover to assist human in Mars. This project was built to compete in the international robotics competition - University Rover Challenge 2014 and achieved 12th position among the 31 teams all over the world. It was the first mars rover built in Bangladesh.